Near Airport,Kamtha Road,Nasratpur Nanded-Maharashtra +91 82750 52380


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Gyan Mata Vidya Vihar School

Fr.Gijo Frances


“The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values,” said William S. Burroughs.

Education is one of the main factors that allow students to grow and develop as individuals. It teaches students important life values, and it opens their mind to a lot of interesting aspects of life and the global scenario. Classrooms are ideal places not only for healthy discussions on all kinds of subjects but also for shaping their lives by helping them to develop their social skills, problem-solving skills, and creative skills and above all required life skills to adapt themselves to the rapid changes in modern times.

That’s why Nelson Mandela the Nobel laureate and the former president of South Africa said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Undoubtedly education brings in necessary changes not only in an individual’s life but also in families, societies and the world at large. Gyan Mata Vidya Vihar, Nanded has always been striving hard to live up to the expectations of students, parents and all stakeholders for academic excellence as well as for imparting quality and value based education...

Fr.Telesfore Lakra

Office Administrator

Alexander the great once said: “I fear not an army of lions lead by a sheep, but it is an army of sheep that is led by a lion which I am afraid of.”

Tomorrow’s leaders are in today’s class rooms! In today’s competitive world, education is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity and a passport to the future. So, GMVV is here to prepare our children for the future leadership by making them mentally, socially and intellectually strong by increasing their knowledge and technical skills, through best of learning- teaching process.

We believe that good leaders are those who lead from back when everything is ok, and lead from front when in trouble. Leadership is not getting people to do what you want, but it is getting people, to want to do, what you want. This is possible as a result of character formation through powerful weapon of values instilled in our children along with knowledge and skills. The future leaders in our classroom, the world is waiting for you, a world of opportunity, a world full of excitement and change. A world that needs people of character and good sense. Remember, “Do what you love, and you will never have to work a single day in life”.

Sr.Roshmita Minz

Primary Head Mistress

What thanks, O Lord, can I render thee for all gifts thou have showered upon me! The life is gift of God, filled with all kinds of goodness. Each day God opens the new page of our life and sends so many graces and blessings, so many people to help and guide. Let us thank the Lord for his wonderful gifts.

Today He is telling to each one of us not to worry about the food, clothing and shelter, in order to live alive. He says, “Look at the birds of the air, flying around, they don’t sow seeds, nor gather a harvest and put it in the barns. Yet God the Father takes care of them all”. Whenever you are in tension think of the Lord your God, who sees everything. Someone has said, “People will throw stones at you, don’t throw them back, collect them all and build a tower”. Love the life you live. Our life is gift of God, given freely. Buddha’s teaching is that to live life fully one must walk the path of detachment and learn to free oneself from all that one possesses.

To be detached is to live here and now fully aware that what one has today can be lost tomorrow. I have learnt that what is important in life is not to accumulate degrees, titles, careers, money, awards, social recognition, etc, but to live the present fully, enjoy every moment of life and learn to embrace all the manifestations of pain and suffering. We the Gyan Matians are here to mould the life of small ones. How to face the world, through our words and deeds, through our actions and examples. Let each one grow and live a life in full, with joy and happiness.


Near Airport,Kamtha Road,Nasratpur Nanded-Maharashtra

+91 82750 52380

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